Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Pulau's exhibition

"Here are some of Pulau's hot spots and hot itemS"

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Back to Nature

"It's the Arts of Nature; Once I unite,soon I find how small and boast I am"

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


If you go to Japan or you are somebody who lives in Japan and you are fond of Indonesian products (e.g.: furniture, Handicrafts, Textiles/Garments, Miscellaneous), you'd better and strongly recommended to visit "PULAU". Pulau is one stop-shop of Indonesian products in Japan. There are several reason why PULAU is a potential leading-shop in Japan. All the products are directly imported from Indonesian direct suppliers.All of the supplier are skillfull and talented craftsmen dedicted most of their life in furniture and handicrafts. Thus, you will not only find what so-called as a real hand-made products but competitive prices as well. Still, the quality and service are the major warranty offered. Pulau is run by Hiroyuki Kamiakito, a progressive young business man. He is helped by his life-time partner; Miura Shindoh. Pulau is located at 144-147 Idogashira Horanai, Towada, Aomori Prefecture, Japan. Once you arrived there you will feel the Bali's atmosphere as Bali's products are the major products in PULAU.
Now, it is the time for you all to feel the warmth in Japan even when it is snowy there:-).
Who knows we will meet there someday and have a long talks about Indonesia, Indonesian, and Indonesian products....LOL.



Monday, March 19, 2007


Dear All,

It is the first post that I made (LOL). It must be exciting when we do something for the first time;-) It is so....I would like to welcome to all bloggers to be invited here in this blog. I can not say many things here as it is my first time. "Don't know what to say I send my best regards to my Master "Mr Hiroyuki Kamiakito" and his colleague "Mr. Miura Shindoh" . Let's fight ever after Boss. The success is about to come in our life. I am sure about that..ha..ha.. My love is all sent to my "little angel in my heart";-).
To all bloggers, I invite you all here again...ha..ha..ha..
